
Archive for December 9th, 2008

A short break

This week marks the end of the semester, and as an academic my life is organized by semesters. This is then the end of my first semester blogging. I have enjoyed many interesting discussions with many of our readers, mostly about quantum gravity . Many concerns I’ve had proven to be a non-issue, I’m pretty happy with the level of civility in our discussions, and with my current frequency of posting this hobby is not such a big burden on my time. So far so good,  I intend to continue for the time being.

But for the rest of the year I will be taking a break. First, as part of the promised theme of marital bliss, I will be travelling to a warm place in the southern hemisphere. Afterwards, combination of holidays and work, mostly for the grant agency I got sucked into, will probably mean sporadic to non-existent blolgging.

I hope David will be back to entertain you. In the meantime you can rely on Bill Evans, in one of my favorite pieces from him, originally from Miles Davis’ “Birth of the Cool” album, titled “Israel” (this is the most patriotic I ever get).

Update: As a bookmark for myself, if nothing else, here is another wonderful piece from the album “Explorations”, this one called “Beautiful Love”.

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